Thursday, January 4, 2018

QUOTES 1/4/2018

“The fashion-cosmetic-industrial complex pushes a body image . . . It tells us, 'You're unhappy because you're ugly and deformed.  If you put on these clothes and this makeup and go to this gym and eat this diet stuff, you'll be happy, because you'll look how happy people look.'  Nudism is the opposite.  I'm happy with my body, I don't need your clothes: That is a completely anti-capitalist statement.  If everybody did that, our economy would crash.” – Haskell Smith,

“Venha descobrir tudo na Colina do Sol” (Video) -

“The Bible is very important to us.  If someone could conclusively prove to us from the Scriptures that social nudism is sinful we would end our involvement with it immediately.  After years of study and reflection, however, I don't think that will happen.  I am more convinced than ever of the rightness of nudism for us.” -

Best Nude Beaches in America – “Baker Beach is located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean about a half-mile from San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge.  It was part of the Presidio military base before being given to the National Park Service.  The southern end of the beach is just below the swanky Sea Cliff neighborhood and the northern part of the beach (closest to GG Bridge) is where you'll find all the nude sunbathers.  Enjoy the sun and the views, but don’t expect to get in the water, as the Pacific is seriously cold.” -

“If you can shed your uncomfortableness about being naked outside, it is good for your confidence and psyche in general.” – nkhiker,

“Naturists believe the human body was not designed to be wrapped up in clothes - they live their lives in the nude . . . So it's not surprising that some naturists don't want to spend the most important day of their lives – their wedding day - in a big white dress or uncomfortable suit. . . ‘Ultimately the wedding is about you as a couple and should reflect your interests and passions.  Family and friends should support you in that and if that means ditching the dress and saying 'I do' in the nude so be it . . . For dedicated naturalists this is of course a way of life and therefore you shouldn't be afraid of reflecting this and integrating a spot of nakedness throughout the celebration.’  (George Watts, UK Wedding Fairy) . . . As far as we're concerned, if two people that love each other want to make a public commitment, who cares what they're wearing or where they do it.” – Rachel Moss,

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