Thursday, August 2, 2018

QUOTES 8/2/2018

“If you’re already a nudist at home, why not expand your nude time to your vehicle?  With just a little preparation, your car can become your private traveling nudist resort.  That might be as simple as hanging a towel in the window to keep passing truckers from seeing in.  Or maybe you could hang a short curtain across the lower part of the windows?  Sure it takes a little courage to travel as a naturist, especially when stopping for fuel or a meal or to visit a scenic attraction, but it’s so simple to wrap up in a kilt, or put on shorts and a t-shirt (if needed), and slip on flip flops.  But if we're truly naturists, we should be proud of it!  Why not live it and share it when traveling?” – Kenfreehiker

“8 Tambaba Open de Surf Naturista” (Video) -

“. . . being nude just generally feels fantastic on a sensory level.  It’s really hard to overemphasize how comfortable it is.  On warm days you feel the breeze and sun, instead of sweating to death under your clothing.  Wrapped up in a blanket in wintertime you feel the blanket enveloping you instead of a waistband leaving marks around your waist.  Swimming you feel the water running over your body.  I think being nude awakens your senses in a way people don’t experience while wearing clothes.” – Jason Moore, Young Naturists & Nudists America,

“Like it or not, if we don’t remain vigilant, we’ll lose all the strides we’ve made in gaining the ‘right’ simply to be nude in public.  Every time someone violates the rules of civilized behavior at a nude venue, it harms the entire nudist/naturist community.  If we wish to remain ‘free’ to socialize and be nude, let’s be thankful for those pesky ‘rules’ that are there to shut down inappropriate behavior.  It’s time to shed the ‘secret agent’ nudist mindset and get vocal.  If we don’t think what we’re doing (socializing nude) is wrong, why hide in the shadows?  If we don’t act, pretty soon those shadows won’t exist and we won’t be able to be nude anywhere.” – Tom Pine, The Naked Truth Naturists, vol. 16, No. 11

“Nudity doesn’t mean ‘let’s screw’.” -

“Nudism, I think, is an attempt to recapture some of what Adam and Eve lost. . . And how do nudists go about saying — implicitly or explicitly — ‘I am a human being, not an object’?  By returning to the state that Adam and Eve were in before the Fall.  Free!  That doesn’t mean, though, that going naked is the be-all and end-all key to happiness.  Nudists acknowledge this.  Taking off clothes is not going to wipe away every single problem that plagues a person in particular or the human race in general.  But, to those who practice nudism, it is a step in the right direction.” -

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