Saturday, August 18, 2018

QUOTES 8/18/2018

“Let's All Talk NUDE Quietly and Begin to Change the World! . . . Apparel and other items with fun nudist/naturist related slogans are a PERFECT way to talk nude with non-nudists or closeted nudists.” – Sunbunny

“festa yamurikumã” (Video) -

“It has been my practice over several years to continue naked as if it was as normal as hiking clothed.  My theory is that the more often people see naked bodies and nothing bad happens, the less uptight they are about seeing naked bodies.  When some majority of people have occasionally seen naked people and it becomes ‘ho hum’ then being naked will not be shocking or illegal.  Over the years I must have encountered a couple hundred clothed people while hiking naked.  Most of the time I just ‘howdy’ them as I walk past naked.  Reactions are mixed.  One woman who was sitting to rest as I came past said, ‘I wish I could do that.’  I stopped to chat . . . Three women walking the other way through a large open field moved about 10 yards off the trail so as not to pass too close.  They didn't say anything. . . Most clothed hikers just respond with a ‘Good morning’ or some such greeting much as they would for a clothed hiker.  If I look ‘guilty’ and embarrassed and lurch into a cover then I'm guilty and embarrassed and ought to have been covered.  If I'm confident and naked and project normalcy while naked then I'm usually accepted as a version of normal.  It's important to PLAN to act naked and normal, or you will have to figure out what to do when suddenly confronted and it won't work out very well.” - Bob Knows

“Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet with a few interesting opinions about how to conduct yourself while farming, including the apparent belief that you should inspire fruitfulness in your crop by doing all the hard work without any clothes on.  ‘Sow naked, plough naked, and harvest naked,’ he recommends . . .” – JR Thorpe,

“There are cultural traditions going back at least to the Greeks that nudity is appropriate for men in certain contexts like athletics.  But for women, nudity is associated, at best, with slaves, and at worst with harlots and whores. . . Since current attitudes towards nudity are harsher where women are involved, women will benefit more when it is possible for a person to say without embarrassment or shame that she/he really likes to be naked.” -

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