Wednesday, August 22, 2018

QUOTES 8/22/2018

“In a world where you can be anything, why not be yourself!  Don't be ashamed, don't be afraid.  Be daring, be bold, be naked!” -

“Yoga dans les bois pour la première Journée du naturisme à Paris” (Video) -

“Having had to try justifying my naked preferences to a skeptical partner . . . I've decided it's not something that has an answer.  I just prefer to be that way.  It's on a par with 'why do I like my tea strong, the color green, this rather than that . . . I know what I like and being naked is one on that list. . . Being naked appeals to our senses . . . The wind/sun/cold air on bare flesh, the feeling of freedom, the feel of the water unhindered by costumes.  Humans are sensual beings, in the past living by our five senses; the modern world has dulled those senses and lessened our sensual pleasures.  So why do we want to not wear clothes?  If we want a 'reason', go for sensuality.  If not, just accept it's because we like it.  I know I do.” – Peter,;topicseen

“Being naked with your partner can help you both be more honest with each other and see one another in a more intimate light. . . there is something about that vulnerability of two naked bodies that can really allow a couple to connect on a whole other level.  Of course, this will only help make sex that much better as well.” – Rissa,

“As a father of two daughters I have always encouraged them, and my wife, not to read the trashy fashion magazines and other publications that make it their mantra to trash the female image and self-confidence. . . a parent’s role is to prepare your kids to face the world on their own two feet and if I can help to mold them into confident women then I'll consider that a success.  There is too much 'female figure bashing' in our society but it's done in such a sly way, it's as if they are all saying, 'look at these gorgeous models, you'll never be as gorgeous as them!'  When in fact most of the models are airbrushed and actually don't look that different to our own gorgeous women-folk.  I think that us guys have a big part to play in helping our ladies to shed their society imprinted self-loathing . . . by encouraging them to see themselves as we see them, as beautiful human beings that should be allowed to appreciate their own bodies as the natural gorgeous forms that they are without the negative propaganda that is forced upon them by the fashion industry and some antiquated corners of society.” – DnD,;topicseen

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