Monday, August 6, 2018

QUOTES 8/6/2018

“Living in a society where actual nudity has been eclipsed by idealized or pornographic images of it, many of us are, independently of our will, disgusted by hairy backs, flabby bellies and ‘strange-looking’ nipples.  The relatively liberal attitude towards such issues in countries such as Denmark, where nudity in the bathhouse is the norm, and in some cases mandatory, exemplifies how the practice might help renormalize a basic sense of diversity and break through the rigid laws that regulate the so-called ‘normal body’” – Jamie Mackay,

“The Brighton 2015 Naked Bike Ride Part2” -

“Our night of naked yoga started out as something of a joke. . . Laura took the plunge first, gracefully removing one article of clothing after another, and I followed, until it was just me and my birthday suit on a flimsy purple mat. . . Every so often I’d glance at Laura or Sophie, not to ogle their exposed breasts or compare their curves to my own, but to make sure I was facing the right direction or that my feet were in the right place. . . To be honest, I spent more time looking at Laura’s pink toenail polish than at her bare butt lifted high in the air next to mine. . . she talked about clothing as one of the ‘barriers’ to real experience that we face in our daily lives.  By the end of class, I’d started to understand what she meant. . . The naked part just wasn’t a big deal.” – Shana Lebowitz,

“. . . I just feel like being nude when I want where I want.” - Dorsie,

“Honestly, it’s really cool to teach naked yoga.  Normally in a clothed class, I find it difficult to provide the best cues to the students, because their clothes, even the most minimalist ones, cover things up and can prove distracting.  In a naked yoga class, I can see clearly where their knees and hips are, I can see their alignment, because nothing is obstructing my view.  That helps me to offer more accurate and helpful cues throughout the flow.  In essence, I end up offering them an extremely personalized class, because I can see them clearly. . . I begin all of my classes by setting naked yoga in the context of its rich history from other areas of the world as well as in the rich yoga philosophies and principles.  I outline our intentions and expectations, making it clear that this is a true naked yoga practice, nothing more nothing less. . . My naked yoga practice has given me access to more compassion for myself than I ever had before.  Also, my boundaries are much clearer.  Of course, it’s tons of fun.  I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore.  Sometimes I step back and think about it; it seems ridiculous that taking my clothes off can do all of that for me, but it’s true.” – Katherine Medina,

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