Saturday, November 19, 2016

QUOTES 11/19/2016

“If a school makes a rule that skirts must not be more than three inches above the knee then the pupils adjust their behavior.  In the eyes of the school adults a skirt more than three inches above the knee indicates a daring trollop and two inches above the knee a chaste paragon of virtue.  Change the rule to knee length and the other measurements follow suit.  The psychology is self-adjusting and the rules ultimately futile and counter-productive. . .the end result of the skirt lengthening spiral is the burqa.” -

“Lost in thought, I surrender myself to a feeling of blissful peace and contentment, as the warm afternoon rays of the September sun beat down on my exposed skin. . . . Horrified?  All I can say is don’t knock it before you’ve tried it.  Because no one is more surprised than me to find it feels pretty darn good. . . but I have joined a secret society of people who like to ease the stress of modern-day living by enjoying the freedom of swimming naked in beautiful, scenic places.” – Sara Lawrence,

“Hiking while nude allows you to feel the breeze and the sun on your body.  Your body will regulate its own temperature and many people find that hiking naked is far superior to hiking while clothed.” – Jordan Blum,

“Clothes Optional 2012” (Video) -

“It should be normal to see nude people on a hot day.  Expected even.  Why?  Because it’s comfortable and healthy.  Clothing keeps us from dealing with the heat or regulating our body temperature the ways we should.  It’s also the main reason for body odor.  Trapped sweat helps odor causing bacteria to breed.  It also helps spread dangerous bacteria.  Sweat is meant to help wash away those bacteria making it easier for the skin to stay healthy. . . Staying clean and allowing our bodies to regulate properly means we are healthier and more vibrant than people who have compromised themselves with clothing.” -

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