Wednesday, November 30, 2016

QUOTES 11/30/2016

“[I meet people while freehiking] All the time.  I have a set of rules I follow and have never had issues:  I hike with my shorts in my hand.  1) if there is a mixed couple coming down the trail, I will hold the shorts in front of my crotch to show some respect.  2) If just women, I slip the shorts on.  3) you can always hear kids coming so I put shorts on.  4) If guys, hell, why should I cover up?  All is good and have had compliments of ‘I wish I had the guts to do it.’” – nkdman1,

“I began as a nudist at 10 years old.  I was a Christian and my parents discouraged nudity.  I got curious and went on Wikipedia.  I put in nude and I found out things I never knew before.  Being nude doesn't mean sex.  So one night I took off all my clothes and I felt so free.  At 15 years old I went to Gunnison Beach, NJ.  It was so relaxing to see all those people nude just like me.  I loved it ever since.” - E.W,

“We had a pool in the backyard when I was a kid so I would skinny dip when my parents were not home.  Otherwise a buddy and I would head to an old farm pond and skinny dip.  Now that I'm older my wife and I put a pool in last year and we can go chunky dunkin' at night.” – Nekidmike,

“I'm A Man, And I've Spent My Life Ashamed of My Body - It's only now, at age 27, that I realize I have body image issues. . . I was the kid too scared to swim in public without a shirt. . . David LaPorte, a psychology professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania . . . discovered that 1/5 of men considered to be in shape were uncomfortable taking their shirts off. . . About half of all men don’t like having their picture taken or being seen in swimwear . . .and more men than women would sacrifice at least a year of their life in exchange for a perfect body. . . At 27, I'm able to admit I don't like my body.  But it shouldn't have taken me years to get to that point.  I spent too long feeling like I had a secret . . . unable to talk about it, because rules of masculinity forbid it. . . Men don't face the same unrealistic expectations as women, but they still feel pressure to look better, and they're behind where women are in discussing insecurities.  All it takes to change that is one guy opening up to his friends. . . ‘Once one friend starts sharing, it sets the space for everyone else to do so as well.’” – Tyler Kingkade,

“Surprised, angered or insulted reactions do not mean simple nudity is unlawful.” -

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