Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Naked Shame is Destroying Naturism!
By Kensunwalker (Ken Carlisle)

Are you ashamed to be called a naturist?  Are you afraid to tell others including family members?  Do you keep your windows covered for fear someone will look in and see you nude?  Do you rush to put on clothes if someone comes to your door?  Are you afraid to go outside your house nude?  Are you embarrassed that someone might see you and call you a nudist?  Are you afraid the police will show up and arrest you?  Do you use an anonymous name when visiting a naturist resort?  Do you jump off the trail to hide if you hear someone coming while freehiking?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re letting fear and shame control who you are and what you do, and in the process destroying naturism for yourself and others.  You definitely “should” be ashamed!

Despite what a few believe, naturism is a totally natural and healthy lifestyle – nothing to   be ashamed of.  The majority couldn’t care less if you wear clothes or not, and a few people will actually follow your example if you wear your nudity proudly.  So, resolve now to disregard what those few believe.

Textilism spreads like a disease.  Add a textile person to a group of naked people, and except for the most committed naturists, one by one they will tend to get clothed as well.  I’ve often seen it happen.  And that’s why “Clothing Optional” tends to not work.  Of course, excuses will be shared: “I’m too cold.”, “I’m just wearing a costume.”, “Others are wearing something.”, or “This event is meant to be clothed.”  But, the real truth is textilism has spread and taken over.  In most places today textilism has taken over completely, so we are afraid and ashamed to be who we are under our clothes.

Naturism isn’t only what we believe, or say, it’s also what we do, and not just what we do while naked.  You can be anything and also be a naturist.  So, you can be a naturist student, a naturist housewife, a naturist farmer, a naturist employee, a naturist manager, a naturist dancer, a naturist singer, a naturist clerk, a naturist accountant, a naturist human resource person, a naturist computer tech, a naturist nurse, a naturist doctor, a naturist inventor, a naturist Realtor, the possibilities go on and on.

But despite what you do in the “real” world, you must also “declare” yourself a naturist.  Failing that, you fail yourself and fail naturism!  You cause the world to be far more disconnected!
On the other hand, when you declare yourself to be a naturist, no matter what you also do, others will realize the truth that naturism is okay, and they will mostly accept you.  “I know that person from work and he/she is a great person.”  And you will connect most everyone.

Of course, naturists are not exhibitionists, so you should never force your nakedness on others.  Don’t demand to be naked in places where textiles gather, such as stores, or churches, or on a public street – get dressed.  And if friends and family members don’t accept nakedness, don’t force the issue.  Just be sure they know that you are a naturist, even if you stay clothed around them.  This is critical: They need to know you are a naturist, even if they never see you naked, so they aren’t unprepared and surprised when they find out, and they will eventually!

And don’t believe those who say you’re “obsessed” with naturism.  Naturism is natural and normal.  It’s simply how you relax and enjoy life.  And it’s a very healthy lifestyle.  Naturists are probably less “obsessed” than those who demand everyone conform and wear clothes of a certain style.
But the best part: Share your naturism and you will never have to hide in fear and shame again!

The process of sharing naturism is simple:

State that you are a naturist.  (If you can’t say it, you can’t do it!

Tell what you like to do naked.

 Explain “why” you enjoy doing that naked.  (Practice an elevator speech.)

 Assess how the person you are telling feels.

 Answer any questions that arise.

So, what’s stopping you from sharing who and what you really are – a naturist?  Fear?  Shame?  Don’t let that interfere with who you are and what you do or destroy the cause of naturism.  Instead, start sharing you today!

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