Wednesday, September 19, 2018

QUOTES 9/19/2018

“. . . it started raining while I was hiking, and in no time at all I was soaked.  My heavy, soaking wet blue jeans soon began chafing my inner thighs as I walked.  I doubted I would meet anyone in the rain, so I removed the jeans and hiked nude. . . When the rain quit, I just kept hiking nude.  It dawned on me that the day before had been Labor Day and I had only seen one hiker after leaving the road.  The odds of meeting someone the next several days were minimal.  I just decided I would do without the clothes for the rest of the week, which I did.  I only dressed when I got within sight of the road.  Ever since then, I have been hooked on nude hiking.” – Cheef

“Naked Kolpa River Video -

“. . . people who garden without clothes say that it helps them to feel closer to nature, as if a layer of protection between their body and the environment has been removed. . . it exposes your entire body to nature, allowing you to enjoy the serenity of the natural world and the full effect of the sun and the wind.  In addition, you do not have to worry about soiling your clothes when you garden naked, which saves you the hassles of doing additional laundry.” -

“My neighbors have told me to ‘feel free being naked as much as I want.’  They seem to be interested in trying nudism themselves. They have a two-story house next door . . . The daughter and the parents can easily see into my backyard, but I've told them if they ever feel offended or the daughter is embarrassed or offended. I will be more private.  Each time they tell me it's not a problem.” – DogStarD,

“The greatest invention of humankind - the camera.  I have said in my other blogs that I would never go to a naturist event that bans the camera.  That is because whatever event you go to that forbids the camera, that event is only enjoyable and fun for THAT moment.  You can't relive it, you can't reminisce over it, you can't even post it because there is nothing to post!” – T.M.Lim,

“I think what makes the experience special and emotionally rewarding is that suddenly all the physical barriers society has created and rudely placed upon us, have been stripped away.  I was no longer making small talk about my job, I was having a critical discussion about my industry with someone who I had known for 5 minutes.  I felt a strong emotional connection to women (and men, shockingly) who didn’t come to ogle my body, but to make friends and truly indulge in the human experience.” (Many Photos) -

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