Saturday, September 1, 2018

QUOTES 9/1/2018

“Who doesn’t want to spend more time with their partner naked?  Chances are you and your spouse aren’t spending as much time together nude as you would like and I’m not talking about sex or intimacy either. . . my wife is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. . . When we are naked, usually the lights are off or we’re moving quickly to get dressed to take care of the kids or go to work.  She is beautiful, but I rarely see her naked and it’s almost never long enough to really enjoy.  My guess is that I see my wife naked less than 15-20 minutes a day.  For us, that’s not enough.  Sound familiar to you? . . . [At the nudist resort] my wife and I didn’t put on any clothing for two straight days.  It was wonderful.  Compare 48 hours naked together vs. 30 minutes in two days. . . I can honestly say the only time I have ever felt uncomfortable at a nude resort is when I’m naked and the people around me aren’t. . . a nude resort is for you and your spouse.  You can be as private as you want to be or as social.” -

“Bare Oaks Volleyball 2x2” (Video) -

“Yesterday I met a young couple (20s) who were taking a two-week vacation at Olive Dell.  I met them at the hot tub where they were soaking and playing with their daughters (six and three years old).  They had only recently become naturists, and they shared how much they loved it, especially the wife.  Their visit started the day before, and they had walked Dellymaze Park - loved it.  Later in the day we saw the family playing shuffleboard together.  It was so enjoyable watching this young family, and especially the children, play naked around the resort.” – Kenfreehiker

“I`ve been driving home nude (40 miles) from the nudist resort for a long time.  No one has bothered me and if it`s illegal in Florida that's surprising given my license plate is NOODIST, which draws a lot of attention.  I look in my mirror at stop lights . . . I have to admit that the wonderful feeling I had when I first began doing this has diminished over time.  But it still feels right.  The guard at the nudist resort and the people that work there have seen me get in my car nude and drive off.  They`ve never said anything about it either.  Maybe I`m just lucky.” – Ult1lar

“Nudism is for all of humanity.  It is humanity’s oldest and most enduring fashion.  The skin is beautiful and natural.  We were all born in a skin and our bodies are with us for life.  As Michelangelo said, the skin is more beautiful than the garment in which it is clothed. . . In fact, the only thing keeping us from being nudists is the clothes we wear.  It’s easy to undress and then be comfortable in our own skin.  Then we’re officially nudists! . . . Nudism will not end until humanity ends.  Let’s have more nudists each time around the world until the whole world population becomes nudist!” -

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