Wednesday, September 12, 2018

QUOTES 9/12/2018

“I've done two long trips [nude].  One was around 400-500 miles.  The other was from Florida panhandle to key West.  This was about 14 hours.  We did it in two days.  The only time clothed was fueling and checking into hotel.  Other than that the whole trip was done naked.  Sooo free when driving nude and more careful.  I also drive around town and to the store when I need to shop.” – Sportsdude,

“Secret Swimming” (Video) -

“Those who suggest that wearing clothes has something to do with preserving modesty or decency . . . have missed the point and misunderstand the meaning of the terms.   The context in which people use the term immodesty has got mixed up.  It’s not related to what I’m doing, but the attitude in which they are doing it.  I wasn’t trying to express how great I was — the ‘I’ meaning Steve Gough — but how great I am, we all are as part of the greater expression of nature.” - Stephen Gough, the Naked Rambler,

“The weather has been amazing for the last few weeks.  It has been so warm that we have pretty much spent all of our time at home and in the garden naked, so much so that we pretty much have only been putting clothes on to go out to the shops or for work.  We have also been out a lot enjoying the sun and spending as much time as possible walking naked.” -

“Whether silky smooth or happily hairy, striped like a tiger or blank like a black cat - every unique individual has gorgeous skin.  Whether or not said person wishes to bare their skin and the beautiful imprint that life has imprinted on it, is their choice.  What empowers one person may not necessarily empower another.  But it certainly is not mine or anyone else’s place to decide what that should be.” - Leyah Shanks,

[At Deep Creek Hot Springs] “I thought I'd attempt to make myself into a ‘mud beast’ . . . I stepped out into the knee-deep, black mud and dug down into the bottom where the really gooey stuff was. . . After I had superheated myself in the hottest spring, I slathered myself from head to toe with the black mud - and then went on the prowl, as mud beasts are inclined to do. . . How many places do you know where you can walk around, in your birthday suit, caked with drying mud, in the middle of winter - and everyone around you thinks this is completely normal? . . . After the mud dried (and I could just feel it pulling out the toxins in my skin), I washed it off and went up to the upstream hot pool to heat up again and visit with the neighbors there.  Once I got good and hot again, I decided it was time to take my mandatory swim downstream to the main springs.  ‘This is going to hurt,’ I said, just as I plopped straight from the hot water into the freezing river.  It did - but in a good way.” – Alan P.

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