Saturday, September 8, 2018

QUOTES 9/8/2018

“Events like the World Naked Bike Ride prove that the real majority are not averse to nudity – the crowds lining the streets all smile, cheer, applaud and take pictures.  All it takes is one prude to make a fuss and they would have you believe that they represent the majority.  The same survey that produced the 6% figure above showed that it is less than 1% who believe public nudity should be illegal, so how come they are the minority whos views seem to be used to represent the majority?” – Brian Taylor,

“Benone Beach - Naturist Lughnasadh Festival 2016” (Video) –

“I'm always nude at home and luckily where I live there are no laws against public nudity.  I have a pool and spa and have community sabbath celebrations, most of which end up with most everyone nude . . . We've also been nude in the front yard for final offerings, and I live on the corner of a busy 4-way residential stop.” – DarkMoonWofe,

“Naturism is a philosophy of life.  It’s a way of thinking, acting, and looking at the rest of the world. We are fostering respect for self, for others, and for the environment. . . naturism is a lot more than just taking your clothes off.  It is a life philosophy with physical, psychological, environmental, social and moral benefits.  People join naturist clubs because they want to find a better way.” – Stéphane Deschênes

“I am a ‘Christian naturist’, so to me, naturism is about being able to live as God intended, ‘naked (nude) and unashamed’.  It is about allowing our bodies to interact with our environments as they were ‘designed’, not filtered and suffocated through some man-made vestiges apart from the need for protection from the elements such as thorns, thistles, too much sun or too little warmth.  It is about proudly proclaiming and displaying that we are made in ‘God's image’, mind, soul AND BODY.” - Nathan Powers

“Make your home clothing optional and let everybody know – Put a clothing optional sign close to your front door inviting people coming to drop their clothes and letting them know you will welcome them in the buff.” -

“Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are strongly associated with elevated cancer risk.  Compared to people with higher vitamin D levels, those with low levels have an 83 to 150% increased risk of developing cancer.  This strong correlation is due to vitamin D receptors . . . in cancer cells, the vitamin D receptor is dramatically decreased, leaving cells unregulated and prone to reproduce in an out-of-control fashion.   Treating cancer cells in culture with vitamin D, however, produces a number of actions that help fight against cancer: it decreases tumor cell proliferation . . .” – Logan Bronwell,

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