Tuesday, October 25, 2016

QUOTES 10/25/2016

“Raising a family of nudists is absolutely a great idea . . .” - https://cloptzone.wordpress.com/2014/11/08/the-best-film-for-the-entire-naturist-family-to-see-together/

“Advice on healthy sun exposure needs to be reconsidered . . . The older population are particularly sun-deprived as shown by low blood levels of vitamin D and lack of outdoor activity.” – Dr. Richard Weller, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3570267/New-research-reveals-sun-benefits-AREN-T-linked-vitamin-D.html

“I’m not cured of my body image issues after one . . . [nude yoga] class, but I’m now aware of a world where clothes, weight, and body bashing serve no purpose.  After that class, I felt so strong, beautiful, and confident. . . I’m finding new confidence in my words when I speak.  I’m more comfortable in a women’s locker room . . . I’ve realized words like ‘biggER’ or ‘fattER’ only exist in the world of comparison.  How can I ever be happy with my body if someone else is always ER-ier than me?  I’ve spent so much of my life obsessing over my external ‘imperfections’, ignoring my internal beauty and self-worth.  My body is far from perfect.  And that’s what makes it perfect.” - https://sobrieteaparty.com/2016/04/14/fully-exposed/

“There are rules for being a nudist.  It's not enough to drop your trousers and waggle your genitals in the sunshine.  That might be fun – or, depending where you are, get you arrested – but it's not nudism.  You can take off your clothes and run across a football field, but that's not nudism, that's streaking.  Jump in a lake and frolic naked with several of your friends?  That's skinny-dipping.  Fun, but not nudism.  Even bathing in a Japanese onsen isn't nudism.  Yes, you're naked and with other naked people in a hot spring, but after you've cleaned and refreshed in the cold plunge, you get dressed and go out for ramen.  A nudist would eat noodles naked, with other naked people. . . nudism is a social activity.  If you're alone, you're just naked, but if you are in a mixed group of men and women engaged in the conscious practice of standing around in the buff, then you are a nudist practicing nudism.” – Mark Haskell Smith, http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/nudist-cruise-ship-whats-it-like-on-a-boat-with-2000-people-not-wearing-clothes-10436100.html

“Even in societies whose members ordinarily wear few clothes, it is said to be customary to dress up for dancing ceremonies and other occasions on which sexual interest is likely to be aroused.  It is often said that dress enhances sexual attraction because it both reveals and conceals the body.” - Elizabeth Wilson, https://theconversation.com/no-youre-not-hardwired-to-stare-at-womens-breasts-53449

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