Sunday, October 30, 2016

QUOTES 10/30/2016

“There is no greater honor than to be the bearers of God’s image.  It is not something to be ashamed of.  And God did not intend for it to be always hidden from view . . . We must always treat the honor of our image-bearing with the respect and dignity that it deserves.” – Pastor Ed,

“Two Femen protesters were arrested after baring their breasts at a controversial conference near Paris on the role of Muslim women. . . Two fundamentalist preachers were discussing the question of ‘whether wives should be beaten or not’ when the activists . . . ripped off their Arab-style cloaks and jumped on to the stage on Saturday evening. . . The protesters, aged 25 and 31, grabbed microphones and shouted feminist slogans in French and Arabic before being roughly bundled off the stage by about 15 men and handed over to police.  Video footage of the incident shows a man apparently kicking one of the women. . . some of the men shouted ‘dirty whores’ and ‘kill them’. . . One speaker at the conference has reportedly posted calls on social networks for women to veil their faces or risk hellfire and sexual assault in the afterlife. . . Twitter posts called for the protesters to be stoned or collectively raped.” – “David Chazan,

“Arriving at the top of a ridge, the breeze cooling your bare skin, the beauty of the valley below, pausing for a prayer of gratitude - what could be more spiritual” – Ken Freehiker

“. . . my sister in law and her husband became caretakers of a gold mine . . . Situated on a river below Reno Nevada . . . One day I decided to hike to the actual mine site . . . The sound of the river, the birds, the forest, no clothes - it doesn't get any better - it was a pioneer experience - a week of bare hiking and bare living.  I did great gold panning . . . even better . . . naked. . . I have been to resorts with my wife, but it is the call of the Wild to walk and hike in creation, to . . . leave no trace. . . I am drawn to. It is breathing and feeling the power of nature as it penetrates my senses.  Enjoy your days my friends; they won’t come again. - Naken

[Bare Burro 5k]  “It was quite an event, and a finish for me I still can't believe happened, or was even possible - among other issues, surely I'm much too old for that sort of thing by now.  Winning a 5k, and for the first time ever, at age 46?!  I'm not sure I've ever even had dreams that incredible.” – Lee

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