Thursday, October 6, 2016

QUOTES 10/6/2016

“I was inspired enough today that on our trip to explore some campgrounds I decided to enjoy myself and do a Skinny Road Trip.  Ok, the wife was upset at first; what if we get stopped, get in a wreck, or a trucker sees you.  I told her before we left to try to see in the SUV with the window tint we have and she relaxed.  So soon after climbing in the kilt came loose, shirt came off and the pleasant drive began.  Most of the drive was on four lane roads, only a short time in an interstate highway, and only one small village to drive through before we reached the park.  A quick cover up at the check in station and the park office crew gave us a map and told us to enjoy ourselves and pick out our favorite spots for camping.  We drove and marked the map with the sites that we thought would accommodate our camper.  When we left the campground proper a long road led to a picnic area overlooking the lake.  From our vantage point we could see the beach which was sparsely populated due to the rain and a secluded table was found to enjoy our picnic lunch.  Of course the kilt was off by this time and the wife joined in by being topless!  We drove back by using mostly rural roads so we never bothered to dress, and the steady rain provided enough privacy to enjoy ourselves.  It seemed all too soon that I was reaching for the garage door opener, pulled into the house and ended what was a perfect ride. . . now I think the wife is intrigued!” - Nudewalker

“Freehiking and skinnydipping with a group is one of life’s most wonderful, unique experiences.  I’ve loved it in the past, and recommend that everyone take the chance to experience it from time to time.” - Ken Freehiker

“I own my own company and I know when other employees will be in the office and when no one will be there.  I routinely work naked in my office early in the mornings before my employees arrive and on weekends when I am the only one in the office.  I find it as freeing as hiking naked.  On weekends I am often on the phone with customers conducting work and of course they have no idea I am naked as I carry on business as usual.  It's a shame I can't be naked at work all the time.  I truly enjoy it.” – Mnthikenude9

“The better you feel naked, the better you’ll feel in clothes.  Because clothes won’t just be about hiding things, they’ll be about celebrating things.  I want my clothes to be a celebration.” - Kate Fridkis

“There's no way to explain it [freehiking] until you experience it. . . It's not about being lewd and crude and all that.  It's just enjoyment.” - Andrew W.

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